If you activate our Stripe MY or SecurePay payment gateway, we will handle the settlement to your banking account. With our settlement, you will get your payments within 1 to 2 business days, as oppose to other payment gateways, which could be from 5 to 10 business days.
For deliveries, we will only deduct delivery charge from the order payment if delivery was completed. If delivery is not completed by our delivery partner, or delivery was changed to Manual Delivery, delivery charge will be reimbursed in settlement.
Settlement will be generated every day, one day after the business day. Settlement will be separated by each outlet, if you have multiple outlets.
Viewing settlements
If you are the business owner, or has been given access to Settlements, you can view all settlements in Settlements page at the left sidebar. Change the date range on top right to view only settlements within selected dates.
In Settlements page, there will be few columns to take note:
Earning - the amount after deducting delivery charges and fees from total amount.
Arrears - the amount owed to Maynuu (will happen in certain circumstances).
Net - the amount minus arrears (if any).
Fees - the amount of fees from total amount paid by customers.
If you have any disputes regarding your settlement, you can email us at finance@maynuu.com and we will be happy to help you resolve it.
Earning calculation
For Stripe MY, Stripe SG, and SecurePay, here's how we calculate the earning.
Auto Charge
With Auto Charge setting, we set the charges for customer to make sure all costs are covered. We simply take the subtotal price (all item prices time quantities)
If shipment is completed by the system:
Earning = Subtotal Price
If shipment is manual, incomplete, or using in-house fulfillment:
Earning = Subtotal Price + Shipping Price
Custom Charge
With Custom Charge, the calculation is a bit more complex.
Earning = Total Price - Shipping Price* - (Subtotal Price + Platform Fee (5%) + Payment Gateway Fee)
* If shipment is manual, incomplete, or using in-house fulfillment, Shipping Price will not be deducted from the calculation.